Vicki: Ah yes, another triumph of our legal system.
Vicki: Man, I had my coat on.
Vicki: No, no, he's not a shrink. He's more of a historical consultant. He doesn't bite every time.
Mike: You know what? I'm staring at a whole stack of love at first sights and they all ended up in property damage, abuse, restraining orders and death.
Vicki: Oh, that's so sweet. We should crochet that on something.
Vicki: Well, that needle kicks the haystack's ass.
Vicki: Yeah, uh, the 80's called. They would like their lyrics back.
Henry: As you wish.
Vicki: That kind of longing will get you an ankle bracelet and a restraining order.
Henry: In my time, it got you a sonnet.
Helen: Are you sure this is decaf?
Vicki: Oh, yeah. Real coffee would take this back behind the shed and beat it until it turned to tea.
Vicki: I have two men in my life with one it's like...but the other one is so....Yeah, I don't even think my head and my heart are on speaking terms anymore.
Lee: We used to talk about love a whole lot less and prove it a whole lot more.
Vicki: You know, this isn't a romance novel, Henry. There isn't a happily ever after.
Henry: I'm finally starting to see that.
Vicki: Whoever said wisdom was the result of life experience was a moron.
Mike: There was this girl at the academy; real mouthy. You could hardly talk to her but I was completely obsessed with her. Got my badge, guess who I ended up working with?
Lee: How'd that work out for you?
Mike: Great. Until it didn't. You know, Lee, passion is one thing but it's rarely very honest.
Mike: Romance is the easy part. Love, it takes years and years of hard work to pull that one off.