Season 3, Episode 16
The Winchesters and Bobby Singer make a hail mary effort to kill Lilith and save Dean from hell.
Dean: Hey, why don't we just make a TJ run? Huh? You know, some senoritas, cervezas, uh, we could...what's Spanish for donkey show?
Sam: So if we do save you, let's never do that.
Dean: Just cause I gotta die, doesn't mean you got to either. We go in smart or we don't go in at all.
Dean: She's the Miss Universe of lying skanks.
Ruby: If I had told you, you two yahoos would have just charged off half cocked and Lilith would have peeled the meat from your pretty, pretty faces.
Sam: And you just decided to tell me this now?
Ruby: Uh, demon, manipulative is kinda in the job description
Dean: So that's you, huh? My slutty, little yoda.
Ruby: I told you why.
Dean: Oh yeah, because you were human once and liked kittens and long walks on the beach.
Ruby: You know, I am so sick of proving myself to you. Look. You want to save yourself? This is how, you dumb, spineless dick.
Dean: Sam, we are not going to make the same mistake all over again.
Sam: You said that before but what's that even mean.
Dean: Don't you see a pattern here? Dad's deal. My deal. Now this. I mean, every time one of us is up the creek one of of us is begging to sell their soul. That's all this is, man. Ruby's just jerking your chain down the road. You know what it's paved with and you know where it is going.
Sam: Dean, what are you afraid's going to happen? This is me. I can handle it and if it'll save you...
Dean: Why even risk it?
Sam: Because you're my brother and you did the same thing for me.
Dean: I know and look how that turned out. All I'm saying, Sammy, all I'm saying is that you're my weak spot. You are and I'm yours.
Sam: You don't mean that. We're...we're family.
Dean: I know and these evil sonsabitches know that, too. I mean, what we'll do for each other. How far we'll go. They're using it against us.
Sam: So what? We just stop looking out for each other.
Dean: No. We stop being martyrs, man. We stop spreading it for these demons. We take this knife and we go after Lilith our way, the way Dad taught us to, and if we go down, uh, we go down swinging. What do you think?
Sam: I think you totally should have been jamming Eye of the Tiger right there.
Dean: Ah, bite me. And I totally rehearsed that speech, too.
Dean: This is about me and Sam. This isn't your fight.
Bobby: The hell it isn't! Family don't end with blood, boy.
Dean: No, no, no, no. You're not going to bust out the misty good bye speech. If this is going to be my last day on earth, I don't want it to be socially awkward.
Sam: Bon Jovi?
Dean: Bon Jovi rocks...on occasion.
Bobby: Well, you've got just over 5 hours to go. You're piercing the veil, Dean, glimpsing the B side.
Dean: Little less new agey, please.
Bobby: You're almost hell's bitch. You can see hell's other bitches.
Dean: Thank you.
Sam: Well, we ninja past those guys and sneak in.
Dean: And what? Give a Colombian necktie to a little girl?
Ruby: What you don't know about me could fill a book.
Dean: I'm sorry. I mean, this is all my fault. I know that, but what you're doing isn't going to save me. It's only going to kill you.
Sam: And what am I supposed to do?
Dean: Keep fighting. Take care of my wheels. Sam, you remember what Dad taught you, and you remember what I taught you.
Supernatural Quotes Season 3