Eureka is a SyFy original show set in the small, science minded town of Eureka. Sheriff Jack Carter and his deputy, Jo Lupo, try to run herd on the scientists from Global Dynamics, a Department of Defense research facility, and protect the town from itself. There is no such thing as a "normal" day in Eureka.
Eureka returned on April 16, 2012 to air its final season and will air on Mondays at 9 pm EST on Syfy.
Sheriff Jack Carter..........Colin Ferguson
Deputy Jo Lupo...................Erica Cerra
Allison Blake.....Salli Richardson-Whitfield
Henry Deacon.....................Joe Morton
Douglas Fargo..................Neil Grayston
Zane Donovan....................Niall Matter
Nathan Stark.........................Ed Quinn
Zoe Carter.....................Jordan Hinson
Season 5 |
Lost |
The Real Thing |
Force Quit |
Friendly Fire |
Jack of All Trades |
Worse Case Scenario |
Ex Machina |
In Too Deep |
Smarter Carter |
The Honeymooners |
Mirror, Mirror |
Double-Take |
Just Another Day... |
Note: Links for each episode will go live as I get them posted.
Copright note: All rights to quotes and pictures for Eureka are retained by Syfy Channel and the creators/producers of Eureka.