COE: Day One
The creep factor in this episode (heck the whole series) is high. Those are the creepiest children I've ever seen. The episode gives really good insight into the personal lives of Torchwood though. Gwen and Rhys trying to create a home for themselves. Ianto desperately wanting Jack to acknowledge their relationship as more than sex, "He thought we were together. Like a couple. You two. The way he said you two." Jack never quite getting to that point. Ianto finally admitted to his family that he's seeing Jack. He really loves him. Jack revealing that he has a daughter and grandson. Wow. In some ways, it makes complete sense, Rose (powered by the heart of the Tardis) only made him impossible to kill. She never took away his reproductive powers. Do you wonder how many kids he might have scattered around the universe? The man has a lot of sex. He has to have more. Gwen and her pregnancy was a shocker. How's she going to coordinate that with her job? It's not like she works normal hours. Poor Rhys, that Jack knows first. Ha!
Mr. Dekker is creepy and practical but just a little removed from everything. Frobisher and the PM were frustrating in their desire to cover their own asses more than save people. Johnson was interesting, and pushy and ruthless. I had hopes for Rupesh. He seemed nice and they needed a new doctor. Shame that he ended up being on the wrong side and expendable.
This miniseries gives you a little taste each night without solving anything until the very end. I very much hope there is a series 4 of Torchwood.
Stay tuned tomorrow for Day Two
COE: Day Two
Isn't it creepy to watch the body bag writhe as Jack reforms? It's a damned nice touch though but did you notice that he doesn't have genitals at all when he's at the charred stage?
I can fully believe Lois's comment after she plans out how to get Jack. "I'm a PA. It's what I do." If personal assistants ever rise up, they will be able to take over the world, or crush it. They're the ones who run everything. They're the ones who plan out and keep everything tidy.
Oy. Watching Gwen shoot makes me flinch every time. What's with the jerking the gun up? Eve Myles trying to make it look like there is a lot of recoil or something. Looks horrible and terribly showy. Then Ianto, with better info, swoops in and saves the day with his forklift.
John Barrowman. Getting some love handles but very nice ass.
Day Three tomorrow.
COE: Day Three
Don't you wonder how they were expected to "go about their normal day" when schools were closed? Scrambling to find child care for a school aged child on a school day isn't part of a normal day neither is freaking out about what could happen with the kids next. PM Green was a lovely image of a politician, was he not? You just have to love how he pawns off all responsibility on to Frobisher, "I will withdraw." Responsibility and ethics really aren't words you can associate with elected officials anymore.
The alien reminds me of a toddler. It demands what it wants and when it isn't getting it's way or is questioned it pitches a hissy, all spitting and flailing.
Well, days one through three were the set up. With day four, everything will come to a head. Can't wait for it, can you?
COE: Day Four
Ianto said, "the Jack I know," but I think Jack kept so much from him. I remember Jack admitting to being a coward (I think it was in the first series of the new Doctor Who with Christopher Eccleston). Emotionally, he proved to be in this episode, hell, in the entire third series. You could see how strongly he cared for Ianto but could never say, "I love you." All Ianto wanted him to do was recognize them as a couple and not just fuck buddies. That part broke my heart as much as Ianto's death did. I really did have tears pouring down my face as he died. He was my favorite. I'm not sure I'll want to watch it without Ianto. Damn British shows and their high character turn over rates.
Now to the politicians, didn't they just get more lovely and endearing? All that kindness and desire to protect their people. Let's see what were some of the lines? Oh yes, "camouflage-able contribution," calling children "units," figuring out how to "sell it," "vital and practical," "demonstrably fair" which was the only good one, "one loss per family, every second child," "the children and grandchildren of everyone around this table will be safe," and "plan for the future." The plan they figured out was so charming. I thought I had wondered into a Jonathan Swift novel though he at least would have been sarcastic. The bottom 10% of performing schools would go. In other words, the schools they couldn't (or wouldn't is more likely) fix. They would get rid of all the kids they though would never amount to anything. Even Frobisher, who had made some rather ethically bankrupt ass saving decisions up to this point, looked shocked. What kind of world are you saving when you're willing to make decisions like this?
COE: Day Five
I'm really not sure what to say. That went completely askew from what the series has done before though it does make good political commentary about how things are moving in the world today. From how this ended, if there ever is a season 4, it will have a whole new cast of characters. Who knows? Maybe they'll bring back James Marsters as Captain John Hart to lead a new team.