Season 1, Episode 7
Men are being folded and shredded in Haven. Could a young lady's artwork have anything to do with the injuries? On the personal front, Nathan struggles beginning a relationship with Jess.
Jess: He had a tattoo.
Nathan: Of what?
Audrey: Does it matter? He was a 6'7", unibrowed, slingshotty monster.
Nathan: Sometimes I wish we could get a normal...
Audrey: Brutal assault?
Nathan: She winked at you?
Audrey: There was winkage.
Duke: Ah. Haven's finest. You know, I could add "ass" to that, Haven's finest ass, and it would still work for both of you. Just in different ways.
Duke: I'm sensing a dangerous trend here.
Eleanor: I can always joke. How else does one get through a winter in Haven, Maine?
Audrey: What took you so long?
Duke: I'm sorry, but it takes me a second to pick a safe.
Duke: So are these happy martinis or sad martinis?
Haven Quotes: Main