Season 4, Episode 10
Summer finale
James Stirling reappears in the team's sphere with a job proposition. He wants the team to steal a weight used for processing nuclear materials before it can be sold to terrorists. Can he actually be trusted this time? Mark A. Sheppard guest stars.
Hardison: This thing is like the nuclear equivalent of the one ring.
Sophie: Ring? What ring?
Nate: Please don't get him started.
Sophie: It's like prom night for nerds.
Stirling: I think this may give us the opportunity to spend some real quality time together, Spencer.
Nate: Eliot, try not to kill Stirling. We may need him.
Eliot: Oh, I can't promise that.
Stirling: Let me get this straight, 'cause I'm having a hard time believing this. You're telling me you think he acted alone?
Eliot: That's not what I said, is it? I said I don't think there was only one bullet. Where did you get this coffee, man? It's horrible.
Stirling: Coffee's fine. If there was a second bullet, that means there was a second shooter. Otherwise he fired a Carcano bold action twice in less than two seconds, which simply cannot be done. You do realize that on a topic where nobody agrees on anything, you pick the one thing, the only thing, which is not up for debate. Simply, humanly impossible.
Eliot: I did it.
Stirling: Bollocks.
Eliot: You'd be surprised what people can do when they're properly motivated. Stirling, did you put something in this coffee?
Stirling: Your file says you crawled three miles through a sewer to kill the head of Al-Qaeda in Yemen, but the coffee is a problem?
Eliot: Damn it. The one time I need Hardison.
Hardison: Parker, that, that sounded a lot like ball bearings rolling across the floor.
Parker: Uh-huh.
Hardison: Was that because there were ball bearings rolling across the floor?
Parker: Uh-huh.
Hardison: So I'm guessing you probably wanna hit some bad guys, huh?
Eliot: Well, you know where some are?
Nate: Why'd you come to me?
Stirling: Because you're the best thief I've ever seen. I couldn't risk anything less.
Sophie: So what? The salt was Plan B?
Nate: No, that was Plan M.
Hardison: Don't I die in Plan M?
Nate: Yeah, usually.
Hardison: What do you mean usually? How many plans do I die in?
Nate: C, F, and M through Q.
Hardison: Oh, C's a little close to home, man. We need to switch that up. How many plans does Eliot die in?
Nate: Uh, none. And none. So there is a plan where he comes out of it with a scar.
Parker: Oh.
Nate: Temple through the eyelid.
Parker: You'd look so cool with a scar.