Season 3, Episode 8
When an old friend of Jones is in trouble, Jones is confronted with the woman he lost to that friend. Now they must work together to save her husband from his employers.
Diana: Why'd you bring Caffrey?
Peter: I brought him for his expertise and his company.
Neal: He likes to poke me with sticks.
Peter: I do.
Neal: Cryptic postcards from old friends mean trouble in my experience.
Neal: Do you always presume guilt?
Peter: Guilty people do guilty things. Am I wrong?
Neal: You're a good man, Jones.
Jones: Yeah? Then why did I let Van Horn get to me?
Neal: Same reason that landed me consecutive 4 year prison sentences.
Jones: What? An almost sociopathic need to tell lies of omission and get something for nothing?
Neal: I was going to say passion.
Mozzie: Oh, I know a guy who blackmailed a guy. Something about spandex. I don't ask questions.