Directed by Steven Soderbergh, Haywire is a fast paced, non-stop thrill ride that follows the actions of private contractor Mallory Kane as she is betrayed by her (now former) employer and tracks down those responsible for payback while they are trying to permanently stop her. It is the acting debut of MMA fighter, Gina Carano.
Mallory Kane........Gina Carano
Scott..........Michael Angarano
Aaron............Channing Tatum
Coblenz..........Michael Douglas
Rodrigo.........Antonio Banderas
Kenneth...........Ewen McGregor
Paul............Michael Fassbender
John Kane................Bill Paxton
Studer..........Mathieu Kassovitz
Barroso........Eddie J. Fernandez
Jamie...................Aaron Cohen
Gomez..........Maximino Arciniega
Jiang......Anthony Brandon Wong
Victor.................Julian Alcaraz
Aaron: Is this your idea of relaxing? Wine and gun maintenance?
Mallory: Well, if it is a paid holiday, it doesn't have to be me. I'm overqualified.
Mallory: I don't even know to to play that. I don't wear the dress.
Scott: How are you going to get out of this may I ask?
Kenneth: Denial is a great parenting tool.
Mallory: Surrender now if you want to live.
It's nice having a female action hero that isn't Angelina Jolie. (Not that there's anything wrong with Angelina Jolie. She just seems to be Hollywood's main choice for a strong female lead with heavy action scenes.) That's one of the things I enjoyed about this flick. Gina Carano's moves lived up to the hype. The fight scenes are quick, visually arresting and rather brutal. It doesn't hurt that she also looks like someone who could give (and take) a punch. She's not heavily muscled, but not stick skinny either. She's built like what she is, a strong, fit woman. I'm not sure what I can say about her acting chops. This wasn't really a movie of scintillating dialogue and emotional range. She's good a fierce and fairly strong in the (very few) softer moments. I'd have to see her in something else to really say whether I think she's a good actor. I'm looking forward to that chance.
The rest of the ensemble cast did well in their roles though the writing wasn't strong and didn't give them much with which to work. As you can tell from the pictures below, I do so enjoy watching Michael Fassbender. I get a kick out of the story that the two of them went all out during their fight scene and got caught up in the moment to the point where he slammed her head into a wall and she shattered a vase against his.
Other random thoughts about the movie:
- Gina Carano has a spectacular voice.
- Those were really cute boots she was wearing in Barcelona.
- Sensible character taking her shoes off in preparation for the fight she knows is about to come.
- Damn, Michael Fassbender has some long legs.
- That hotel fight scene with Fassbender was amazing, and essentially foreplay.
- "She's in the house." Obvious and trite, but still funny.
It's fun in a beat you to death with my bare hands kind of way
Note: All rights to screen captures and quotes lies with the creators, writers, and producers of Haywire.