Season 5, Episode 9
Allison's brilliant brother, Marcus, is in town to check up on her new husband and Kevin schemes to make Jack look smarter. Meanwhile Zane, Jo and Henry try to hide the fact they are helping Holly gain a body from Fargo. Dondre Whitfield guest stars.
Jack: Well, nothing says lifelong commitment like government oversight.
Jo: Oh, so you are officially joining the mad scientist union.
Jo: Hey, how was the unconventional weapons convention?
Parrish: If I see another diversionary demonstration, I'm going to flash bang myself.
Allison: He slipped you a smart mickey.
Jack: Allison, for the first time I fit in. I don't want to go back to being the dumb old sheriff.
Allison: Jack, the dumb old sheriff is the man I married.
Holly: Doug, if I'm not happy with what I am, how can you be?
Andy: Are the straps really necessary? It's not like I'm going to subdue you and head back to the smart house at my first chance....Right. Carry on.
1) This episode focuses on an area that is a major theme for the series. Smart causes chaos that can only be solved by Everyman. Throughout Eureka, the really intelligent people tend to commit some particularly heinous dickery and are the cause of all the catastrophic situations. (This was my random epiphany while rewatching this episode to get quotes.) It feels simplistic. Every person is capable of dickery and chaos; every person is capable of saving the day. Hell, there's a great example of smart=/=mean in the cast. Wil Wheaton is an intelligent, kind man who happens to be known for the saying, "Don't be a dick."
2) And for this episode's harping on Allison, her saying, "Jack, the dumb old sheriff is the man I married," wasn't my favorite choice of words. She could have said, "You're not the man I fell in love with," or something similar. "Dumb old sheriff," even as just repeating his words, demonstrates that is how she (and everyone else) thinks of him and he has internalized that over the years. Eureka, not for those without massive, adamantium egos.