An old flame of Chris's need help holding on to her land. Will she be able to draw him into staying with her when the job is done? Kay Lenz guest stars.
Ella: Still the handsomest drunk guy I ever knew.
Chris: And still the prettiest liar I ever met.
Josiah: Humility. That's the lesson of this game.
Josiah: It's the kind of game you play with your worst enemy which turns out to be yourself.
1) Holy Fatal Attraction Batman! I had entirely forgotten that's how the series ended. It's actually rather impressive how she managed to stalk him for that long without anyone knowing (at a time when women didn't have much power). Doesn't make it less creepy though. She changed the course of his entire life with the death of Sarah and Adam yet still thinks they'll be together again someday. Wow. And this is one of the major ways stalkers are so very scary and dangerous. Nothing will change their delusion. (More information on stalkers at and the National Center for Victims of Crime Stalking Resource Center.)
2) This actually was a good place for the series to end though I wish it had gone on longer. They got the second season purely through grassroots fan support and did a good job of wrapping up most of the lose ends without completely ending any storylines.